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What is the Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) document?

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that describes what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfill all stakeholders (business, users) needs. It contains also uses cases and business logic for the business. SRS is cornerstone of the project and must be signed by both parties. Both AtenTEC and partner follow SRS during full project lifetime. Any change case requested by the partner during project lifetime must be submitted in the SRS and be approved by both Project Managers.

Can AtenTEC help me during SRS creation?

SRS is dual effort document, AtenTEC project Manager, business consultants and team leaders share creation of SRS with our partner’s project manager and authorized members. AtenTEC offers SRS creation service for companies and organizations who do not have qualified technical persons for SRS writing.

What is the SLA agreement?

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider (AtenTEC) and a customer. Aspects of the service such as quality, availability, and responsibilities are agreed between the service provider and customer. SLA is an integral part of the general project agreement. It can include Technical Support terms and criteria, and support tickets quota.

What are the benefits of annual technical support agreement?

Annual Technical Support provides support to our software projects for Business Logic and for System Upgrades based on fixed annual subscription. Business Logic Support is to support our partners get most of the software, guide them how to use it in most efficient manner. System Upgrades delivers our partners planned software updates, security patches and hot fixes.

Does Technical Support Agreement renewal affect my projects availability and usability?

No, you can use software and services provided to you by AtenTEC after Technical Support subscription ends. Unfortunately, your system will not receive updates and patches after your subscription ends, but you can still receive technical support by opening Technical Support Tickets and get paid services as per ticket.

What does Business Module mean?

Business Module represents a complete solution for single business sector. For example, Financial Operations within a company is handled by Finance Module. Although each business module is a complete entity; it cannot work in isolation but integrates with other Business Modules to Handle firm business. Such integration creates a complete Business Management System.

Can I use single Business Module as a stand-alone Business Management Software?

Generally, single Business Module cannot work as a stand-alone software. AtenTEC provides variety of packages that include carefully selected business modules for major business types such as CRM and Inventory Management, these modules are adapted and minimized to work together with minimal required features and customization.

Can I add Business Modules to the current Business Management Software provided by AtenTEC?

Yes, you can add business modules as per your needs. Our system consultants will help you customize and add the required modules and features that carefully match your business.

Do software products developed by AtenTEC integrate with current running systems like integration with current CRM in my business?

Yes, we can integrate bi-directional with limitation. Integration ability depends on your current 3rd party software and its integration capabilities. Our software engineers will investigate your current 3rd party software for full report about integration.

When planning to use Business Management Software or Web Application from AtenTEC, can you migrate my old data to new system?

We provide migration plans for old systems to our system. Kindly contact us for more details.

For a running software project, can I ask for changes either in business logic or in interfaces?

During project lifetime, all change cases must be recorded and approved by project managers in SRS, however, changes are limited as per Project Agreement and SRS criteria.

For Business Management Software and Web Applications, who is responsible to select development technologies and programming languages?

Technologies, platforms, programming languages and other technical aspects are all agreed during SRS creation. AtenTEC pays great deal of attention to customer budget, available resources, growth plans and software scalability plans.

If I have current hosting plan and space, can AtenTEC use it for project deployment?

It depends on software requirement and features. Hosting requirements are subject to many factors that are addressed into SRS.

For web-based solutions and websites, do I have full access to cPanel?

Access to cPanel permission is subject to Project Agreement.

Why does AtenTEC ask for photos and website / web-portals content in project early stages?

AtenTEC will ask partners to provide photos and content in early stages to decrease websites delivery time and have full view over required content so our UX/UI can be fine-tuned to the best. Also, photos will require processing and optimization for web use, content must be edited and adapted for web use and search engine optimization.

Can I add e-payment capability or integration to my current web application provided by AtenTEC after project goes live?

Yes, you can, we can integrate with most major e-payment gateways and providers.

I’m using software from AtenTEC with single language interface, can I add another interface language?

Yes, AtenTEC can localize interfaces. System localization is different than interface localization, please contact us for more details about localization.

For E-Commerce, LMS, Portals, and websites, does AtenTEC provide Content Writing service?

Yes, AtenTEC collaborates with selected technical content creators for best content creation service. Also, we can collaborate with content creators selected by our partners as a part of project agreement. AtenTEC has no responsibility on websites and web applications content.

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HEAD OFFICE: 45 Kambiz st,Dokki, Giza, Egypt

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: 18C, Togariah Dist. Al-Tor South Sinai, Egypt