
Throughout 15 years of experience, we have helped many customers optimize their data centers that are vital for their missions and migrate them smoothly to new servers and locations.

AtenTEC experts implement P2V conversion and data center consolidation plans accurately with minimal downtime to reduce costs and ensure business continuity without compromising on operation and maintenance ease.

AtenTEC planning for Logical and physical Infrastructure logoPlanning for Logical and Physical Infrastructure

AtenTEC offers smart solutions for enterprise infrastructure based on hybrid models for hosted services to make the best use of hardware resources. AtenTEC planning ensures high performance, scalability, and autonomy for logical infrastructure components.

AtenTEC business continuity iconBusiness Continuity

AtenTEC offers both conventional and innovative plans to protect your investment and guarantee business continuity. We have a range of customized plans that ensure your business is always up and running, including Multi-Tier Data Protection and Backup plans, personalized failover solutions, comprehensive Disaster Recovery plans, and DR Site plans.

Disaster Recovery is a vital task and the basis of a successful business. A Disaster Recovery Site (DR Site) should be planned along with the infrastructure and data centers, not after. The process is not an addition to the main site planning, but a part of it. Adding a DR Site to an existing data center primary site is complicated and expensive. We assist our partners in planning reliable and affordable Disaster Recovery Sites with a significant cut in setup costs and using existing resources.

AtenTEC data center migration and consolidation iconData Center Migration and Consolidation

Reducing data center operational costs depends on the efficient use and optimization of existing resources and planned assets through data center migration and consolidation. We provide precise implementations of P2V conversion and data center consolidation action plans with near-to-zero downtime to save organization expenses and emphasize business continuity without sacrificing operation and periodic maintenance simplicity.

Contact Us


cs@atentec.com+20 155 234 5445


info@atentec.com+20 233365113


HEAD OFFICE: 45 Kambiz st,Dokki, Giza, Egypt

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: 18C, Togariah Dist. Al-Tor South Sinai, Egypt